The restriction in the amount of calories you intake and the best selection of foods that will contribute to the increase of the body metabolism rate are some of the positive steps that can be taken to curb weight gain. Along with this, when you put in efforts to do some physical exercises, you can climb the ladder of losing 5 pounds in a short duration of time. This article gives you a fair idea on how to lose excess weight by natural methods.
Weight Scale
Cutting Bits
Do not be bothered about the physical mass all the time. It is the balance of your height and the corresponding weight that is going to give you the shape of your body. If you are maintaining the weight and height concurrence, then there is no reason for you to feel sad. No one is going to recognize your excess weight if you have that balance between the height and the weight. It is always good to drop a few calories from the body and gain good shape, at the same time, do not feel inferior and lose your confidence.
Weight Loss objectives
Aiming at a luxurious rate of weight loss is risky and unsafe too especially when your physique does not hold up for you with the weight loss efforts that you take. It is much safer and reliable to lose less than two pounds every week. When your objectives are lenient like this, there is a high probability that you will accomplish your goal.
Calories to Exhaust
In general, to maintain the same weight, a person needs 12 calories for each pound of his weight every day. A person weighing 100 pounds will need 1200 calories to maintain the same weight. To lose one pound of body weight, the person weighing 100 pounds need to exhaust 2300 calories extra or he must consume these many calories less in his diet. When cutting down huge amount of calories is not an option in any fitness book, it is better to find ways to exhaust them.
Minimum Calories
If you are going to try starvation ideas that would be the thing you would do to lose weight. Stored components in the body will be broken, survival signals would be ignited and you would be forced to consume more foods to make yourself survive that period of time. Body metabolism would have gone down and body will conserve all the foods you intake by storing them. By starving you almost always gain weight rather than losing it. You need at least 1200 calories per day for all your daily activities.
Water and Fiber
There is no better food to lose weight when it has the ingredients of water and fiber. Vegetables are good sources of fiber and water content and in addition to it, they also comprise of vitamins and minerals. For example, one pound package of a vegetable salad would comprise of just hundred calories. Keeping your body filled with salads daily will help you lose 5 pounds more quickly.
Label Reading Tips
The quantity of the ingredients must also be checked while you go through the contents table. It is not only the name of contents. The names of the ingredients that end with "ose" are all sugar contents say, for example fructose, glucose and sucrose. These are high calorie substances that will slow down the body metabolism and promote stray storage of calories in the body. Amongst these, fructose which by itself gets metabolized very slowly is better than other sugar components.
Hydrogenated Oils
Foods that contain partially hydrogenated oils should be avoided in your diet. It is literally useless to the body. These hydrogenated oil substances contain Trans fats which are even worse than the saturated fatty acids. The manufacturers are permitted to label their product as zero grams of Trans fats if their product contains less than half a gram of trans fat per each serving. This is allowed by health norms and regulatory rules. So do not be fooled by reading the bold letters on the labels but check on few finer aspects that are present in the label. These finer details will help you find out if the food is safe to consume without out risk of fat contents that may harm the body metabolism.
Essential Fats
There are certain fats that are very essential for our body. Mono unsaturated fats are indispensable for some of the internal metabolisms in the body. This is present in olive oil. Foods that are rich in omega 3 fatty acids are much welcome for the body. Supplement your diet with nuts and seeds to get a supply of good fat contents.
Chart out Exercising Plans
Come up with good exercising plans in accordance with your day to day activities. Most people face troubles in succeeding because of lack of planning. With correct plans in place, you must never feel that you are not having the time to exercise. If you have to go to work early in the morning, you can spend time at the gym in the morning before you leave to office and in the evening time, you can go for a walk in the open atmosphere. Write down a plan neatly and show it to your family members and close friends. They will push you in case you fail to implement your plans. Take the company of a good friend to do your exercise or at the least, you can even take your dog which will wake you up daily if you practice taking it out on a fixed time of the day.
Ample Fluids
Only a hydrated body will give you good shape to the body. It is all fluids inside the body that gives the cells their shape. There is virtually nothing inside the body without moisture i.e. the fluid contents. Consuming fluids in fair amounts every day is as important as breathing. Fluids like water and other nutritional drinks have a positive effect on the body. The canned juices and alcohols will never come under this category. Glucose water, water added with lemon slices can be had frequently in the day which will prove helpful in flushing out toxins from the body. Fresh fruit juices with less amount of sugar are also a good option to include in the diet. All these fluid consumptions will make you lose 5 pounds in an impressive manner.
Fruit Diet
Consumption of fruits alone for few days is a positive step to lose 5 pounds. It would be a bit hard to practice initially but your body will be accustomed to it with more amounts of toxins getting flushed out from the body. Eating fruits alone is not at all a bad idea, as no diet that is of today are devoid of ill contents that subdue the weight loss process. All the modern day foods comprise of saturated components, processed components, added preservatives and other chemicals that are bad for health and they pose a big challenge for the digestion mechanism. With good supply of vitamins and minerals from the fruits, stamina will develop and many regulatory processes in the body can go on a high.
Grocery List
Buy as much varieties of fruits as you can. Varied type of fruits will give you all round supply of nutrients to the body. Purchase fruits and vegetables such that you need not go back on a shopping spree again within two weeks. You can have those in your freezer boxes. Some nuts can also be bought along with these fruits to consume on odd times. Some of the best fruits that are useful for weight loss are bananas, peaches, watermelon, cantaloupe, kiwi, plums, pineapple, cherries, apples, oranges and blueberries. Some of the best nut choices are cashews, pecans and walnuts.
Persist with Plans
Do not take things light when you start seeing a few results. You have to hold on until you achieve your long term goal of losing 5 pounds. In the same way, do not shy away from implementing your plans if you do not taste success initially. Believe in your plans and persist with your plans to see success. Losing 5 pounds is a feasible task which can be done quite easily using all the above mentioned tips.
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